Page 101 - The Voyage of Hungarian Christian Democracy - Edited by Mária Rita Kiss
P. 101

22 February
               The women’s section was formed within the party. Its leader, Terézia Szilágyiné-Császár was
               assisted by a seven-member managing committee.

               28 February
               The KDNP considered the compensation bill  submitted by the government unacceptable.
               They particularly dissatisfied with the upper limits on full and partial compensation.

               26–27 March
               The party’s statutes were adopted and amended at the national board session. The newly
               elected executive board did not include János Birkás and Tamás Lukács. The system of
               associate chairman and executive board members was terminated. László Varga was elected as
               vice chairman. Deputy chairpersons included Tibor Füzessy (as faction leader), Géza Farkas,
               Miklós Hasznos, Miklós Pálos and Terézia Szilágyiné-Császár. According to the  opinion
               adopted by the KDNP’s general board session, the duties that the country was facing could
               only be accomplished after the termination of the moral crisis and if all forces, be they in
               governing position or not, work on renewing Hungary. They declared that the party intended
               to become a dominant political force upon the next elections.

               7 May
               At a press conference, the KDNP  outlined the party’s stance regarding the ownership of
               former church properties. Protection of the interests of the church was a key consideration.

               The party’s Rules of Organization and Operation was completed.

               10 July
               The government passed Act 32 of 1991 on settling the ownership of nationalized former
               church properties. In the parliamentary debate, the KDNP’s stance was reflected in the draft
               amendments submitted by Tamás Lukács, Giczy György, Ferenc Inotay and Miklós Gáspár.

               12 July
               Emese Ugrin left the party and the parliamentary faction to join that of the FKgP. However,
               she did not return her parliamentary mandate she received from the KDNP’s national list.

               27 August
               Tivadar Horváth (formerly SZDSZ) changed to the KDNP’s parliamentary faction.

               22 September
               The statement issued after the national Christian democratic meeting held in Győr declared
               that the party is committed to Christian social values, consistently represents the interests of
               workers and pays special attention to the education of future generations.

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